Best Practices for Storing and Handling Circular Aluminium Extrusions

  • By:Naview
  • Date:2024-09-11


Best practices for storing and handling circular aluminium extrusions are crucial to maintain their integrity, prevent damage, and ensure longevity. By following proper procedures, manufacturers and fabricators can minimize risks and optimize the performance of these versatile materials. This article provides a comprehensive guide to best practices for storing and handling circular aluminium extrusions, encompassing various aspects from transportation to storage conditions.


Proper transportation is essential to prevent damage during transit. Use sturdy packaging materials, such as wooden crates or metal containers, to protect the extrusions from impacts and vibrations. Secure the extrusions with straps or foam padding to prevent movement within the packaging. Avoid loading extrusions directly onto open flatbed trailers to minimize exposure to weather elements.

Storage Preparation

Before storing circular aluminium extrusions, prepare the storage area to ensure optimal conditions. Maintain a dry, well-ventilated space with controlled temperature and humidity levels. Avoid areas with extreme temperature fluctuations or exposure to moisture. Ensure the storage area is free of debris, dust, and contaminants that could damage the extrusions.

Storage Methods


Handling and Removal

小心地处理和移除挤压件至关重要。使用适当的升降设备,例如叉车或吊车,以避免手动搬运过重的挤压件。在搬运过程中,佩戴适当的个人防护装备 (PPE),例如手套和安全眼镜,以防止受伤。在从存储中取出挤压件之前,务必检查它们是否损坏或弯曲。






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